Feb 2024 I am so proud of my little Karoline (Silktree’s Sweet Karoline at Winsome). At only a few days after turning 4 months old at the Cary Kennel Club 4-6 month puppy show in Raleigh, NC, Karoline won best of breed, toy group 1, and then went on to win best puppy in show over some very stiff competition. Then, 3 months later at the Central Florida Yorkshire Terrier Club Specialty in Orlando, FL, Karoline won best puppy. Then, 3 months later at the Central Florida Yorkshire Terrier Club Specialty in Orlando, FL, Karoline won best puppy. Rita Glasel
July 2023 – GYTC Specialty
Our (Best of Breed) winner coming all the way from West Columbia SC. A big Congratulations to Robin Hutson. This dog was first entered in the Bred by Exhibitor class which means this is Robin’s breeding and makes it an extra special win. Congratulations again Robin and we thank you for supporting us!
Best of Breed on 7/15/2023 Silktree’s Answer to Why Owners: Robin Hutson/Diane Tedder from West Columbia, SC.
Best of Winners was Paradise Freedom From Tyranny Owner: Crystal Messersmith from Columbia, SC.
Best of Opp Sex * Hip-Hop Sharm Delux* Owned by Crystal Messersmith from Columbia, SC.
Fate won High Combined at the Obedience trial yesterday in Melbourne. Attached is a picture Jeff took of me, Fate & the judge. The judge looks as happy as we are!
We also won a cash prize of $50.00!
June 2023
Fate competed at the Imperial Polk Obedience trials this past weekend (June 24th & 25th) in Lakeland.
She didn’t pass one time in Utility unfortunately. She seemed to have problems finding her go-out spot BUT on the good side of things- Fate took 4th place in Open B on Saturday AM & 3rd place in Open B on Saturday afternoon.
Topping off her weekend on Sunday with a 1st place win over 12 dogs in Open B with a 196 1/2 & winning HIT under judge Luci Seeley!
Today would have been Angel’s 13th birthday! I think she was sending her very best vibes to her companion, egging her on to do her best! Thanks Angel your wish came true! It was both a very happy & sad day.
May 2023
May 28th, 2023 she went in the ring & earned her 21st UDX leg with a 2nd place in Open B & a 1ST place in Utility B.
I was totally surprised by her Utility win. They called my number more than once before I realized it was us!
Betty & Fate
I’m very proud to announce that Fate earned her UDX2 at MOC’s Obedience trial on May 27th, 2023 with a 3rd place in Open & a 2nd place in Utility.
Fate also earned her OM2 (Obedience Master’s 2) title in Lakeland on March 19th.
She’s a wonderful dog & an amazing partner.Betty & Fate aka Silktree’s Destiny’s Child, BN,UDX 2, OM2, RAE, MJP, AXP,OFP
Happy Holidays!Nov-Dec 2022
Fate finished out her year by posing for her holiday picture!
Fate accomplished quite a bit this year by earning her UDX & OM1 on April 30th in Lakeland. We went on to earn 6 more UDX legs (10 needed) for our UDX2 since April 30th as well as being more than halfway to our OM2 (200 points needed).
She was also invited as the #1 Yorkie in Obedience in the country to the Obedience Invitational in OH in July as well as the Master’s division of the Obedience Classic being held in Orlando Dec. 17th & 18th. We did not/will not attend but it was an honor being asked.
We finished out our show year the 2nd week in November where she earned High Combined in Obedience November 12th at the Obedience Training Club facility in Lake Park, FL.
To earn this award she had to have the highest score in both Open & Utility classes. She did so by earning a 196 1/2 in Open & a 195 in Utility. She also received 1st place in Utility.
She now has a total of 16 UDX legs (6 towards her UDX2) & is also halfway thru her OM2 (Obedience Masters 2) title.
Hope you guys are doing well. The show was short and sweet. All entries in general were down. But we had a good time. Pat Caruso a new member took like 53 photos from the show but she sent them to me in a text. We don’t need to add them all but I have a list of the Winners.
I’ll give you what I have: – Best of Breed~ Tesoro Del Mundo Invincible. Owner Dominique Cannon – Open Dog~ Tesoro Del Mundo Invincible. Owner Dominique Cannon – Open Bitch~ Silktree’s It’s Krystal Klear To Me Winsome. Owner Rita Glasel Bred by Exhibitor Bitch~ Bricriu’s You Only Live Once. Owner Jennifer White – Winner’s Bitch~ Bricriu’s You Only Live Once. Owner Jennifer White
Rita Glasel and Jennifer WhiteBest of Breed -Tesoro Del Munro Invincible- Owner Dominique CannonReserve-Yaba Da Badoo Wild FancyBred by Exhibitor Bitch- Bricriu’s You Only Live Once Owner- Jennifer White
May 2022
Fate earned 3 first place ribbons & 1 third place ribbon at the OTC Agility trials the weekend of 5/7-5/9 in Punta Gorda. I am VERY proud of her! Betty
April 30, 2022
Fate achieved her UDX (Utility Dog Excellent) Obedience title in Lakeland under Judge Barry Roland. A UDX title is the 2nd highest title you can earn in Obedience. Not many Yorkies get to achieve this title. She also earned her OM1 title (Obedience Masters title the same day. Fate is only 4 years old & had at least 6 months out of competition due to COVID.
February 26, 2022
Fate earns her 6th UDX leg in Palm Bay, FL She drew a crowd to the ring to watch her work. Two judges came in to see her run! What a GREAT little working dog! One person commented that she was “the BEST Yorkie she ever saw in the Obedience ring”.
January 2022
Fate won “High in Trial” at an Obedience show. She is shown with her BIG ribbon “HIT” as well as blue (1st) out of the Open class & yellow (3rd) for Utility class with Judge Luci Seeley. I have to add that she won a run-off (high tying score) with a run-off against an OTCH 5 Golden Retriever. An OTCH is the highest title a dog can achieve in Obedience. This Golden has done it 5 times! To think that little Fate could win over him is very impressive!
November 2021
Fate completed her RAE title Sunday 11/21 with perfect scores of 100 in each class winning High Combined at both trials. There were 2 trials held each day over this past weekend. We only competed on Sunday. I am SO proud of her! She’s always the littlest dog in the competition but has a VERY big heart & gives me GREAT attention. Betty
I’m VERY happy to announce that Fate earned two more UDX legs this weekend 11/13-11/14 bringing her total up to 4. She placed 4th in Utility B & Open B on Saturday. She had VERY good runs on Sunday with a 194 in Utility B earning a 2nd place ribbon. She also earned a 2nd place in Open B with a whopping score of 197! She’s one incredible little dog! I’m very proud of my little girl! Betty
October 2021 Fate & I had an outstanding day today at the MOC Obedience trials held at our clubhouse. Fate earned her very 1st UDX leg on her very 1st attempt at this title. She was amazing, earning a 194 1/2 in Open (this is right after she was attacked but thankfully not injured by a Standard Poodlethe last dog in Novice A) who ran out of the ring. Fate was the 1st dog in Open. She was nervous going in but did a terrifc job earning 3rd place & a 194 1/2. She later went into Utility & earned a 192 1/2 & 2nd place. The Q rate at the trial was very low. The BEST news is that she won High Combined! She is the very 1st Yorkie I’ve owned to earn a High Combined award at an All-Breed show! Attached are some pictures taken today.
Betty & the “Working Yorkies” Angel aka Winsomes Devil In Disguise,VER,UD,RAE,MX,AXJ,MBP,MJP, NF, OFP, TKA Fate aka Silktree’s Destiny’s Child, BN,UD, RE, OAP, AJP, OFP
February 2020 Charlie and Andy (litter brothers) were shown at the Fort Lauderdale Dog Club shows on February 22 and 23, 2020 in Davie. Charlie got Winners Dog both days and Andy got Reserve. Charlie lives with Carole Della Penna and Andy is with Leslie Stolfi.
January 2020 Fate the my little “wonder dog” earned her 1st leg towards our Utility title on Sunday 1/12 at the OTCPBC trial. Fate is only 2 years old! She took a 1st place & won an engraved stein. I’m so very proud of my “baby”! Submitted by Betty Gansky 1/12/20
November 2019 Fate earned her Rally Excellent title the weekend of November 16th & 17th in 3 shows. Our 1st show was Saturday afternoon & we qualified with a score of 94 due to ME getting lost on the course. On Sunday she was perfection! She earned 1st place in the morning with a perfect score of 100. On Sunday afternoon she earned another perfect score of 100 but due to time she placed 2nd. The judge was SO impressed! The shortest time was with a Lab whose time was 1:46:44 seconds. Fate’s time was 1:46:88 seconds. Considering the size difference it was amazing! Submitted by Betty
November 2019 Andy (below on the right) was winners’ dog at the Toy Dog Club show on July 11th in West Palm Beach. This was his first win, he got two points. His litter brother (Charlie) is on the left. Submitted by Leslie.
August 2019 Fate completed her Novice Jumper’s w/Weaves Preferred title this past weekend & also earned her 1st leg in Open JWW Preferred. She was really on a roll & ALSO earned her Open Agility Preferred title this weekend after only showing in this class 5 times! Fate has earned 8 titles since I began showing her on the 29th of Sept: Obedience: BN, CD,CDX, Rally: RN, RA, Agility: NAP, OAP & NJP. She will turn TWO on August 27th! She’s a remarkable little dog! If you’re wondering why I’m dressed for winter it’s because the A/C in the building is kept on in the mid-60’s while it’s almost 100 degrees outside! LOL! Betty
June 2019 Fate earned her Novice Standard Preferred title in 3 shows this past weekend (June 15-16, 2019) with beautiful runs in all three trials. She ran 29 seconds under time in the trial completing her title. Fate also earned 2 Novice Jumper’s Preferred legs as well double Q’ing 2 out of 3 trials. She ran 22 seconds under time in her very first run. It was a BIG month for Fate & I! She earned her 2nd CDX leg the weekend before at our club’s trial. Attached is her picture with her 5 blue ribbons from last weekend’s Agility trials. I would have loved to have had her picture taken w/both judges & all of her ribbons but as Trial Chair I just didn’t have the time to make that happen. Fate is one TERRIFIC little dog! She will be 22 months old the end of June. Betty
Fate earned her 2nd CDX leg on June 8th, 2019 with a 1st place. She was the only dog to qualify out of the 13 dogs shown. She was also the youngest! I’m very proud of my baby! Betty
I’d like to wish Buttons a VERY happy 13th birthday May 26th, 2019! He has been a wonderful little dog! The picture here was taken when he was about 5 years old in celebration of July 4th. Buttons completed over 660 Pet Therapy visits from the age of 2 until 10 when he retired. He also earned his Nat’l International, UCH in breed, CDX in Obedience, RE in Rally, TKA in Tricks as well as numerous Agility titles. Betty
Fate & Betty earned their CD title with a 1st place ribbon on Feb. 24th, 2019 at the Indian River Dog Club trial in Melbourne, FL. Below are a few pictures of Fate winning a placement in Rally this past weekend being the fastest dog out of 4 who were tied for 3rd place with a score of 98 on Sunday morning 4/28/19. She earned her 1st Rally Advanced leg on Saturday afternoon 4/27/19 with a score of 96. She also earned her Rally Advanced title this afternoon with a score of 88 due to a 10 point deduction for a handler error!!! She’s been invited to represent our Obedience Club in the state competition in Rally over Labor Day weekend in Kissimmee, FL. She’s also in the 1st round pick to represent the club in Obedience that same weekend! She’s a wonderful working little dog! She’s never taken a Rally class! Submitted by Betty 4/29/19
Wills (Ch. Lilykin’s Lover Boy) completed his championship at the Palm Beach County Dog Fanciers Association show on March 10th 2019. He was shown beautifully by Mara. Powell. He will now retire and cheer on his little brothers Andy and Charlie who have just started their show careers.