Hi All,
Great news! My goal with Fate was to finish her CDX before she turned 2. Fate will turn 2 on August 27th 2019. My mission was accomplished today (July 14th) in Daytona where she earned her CDX & placed 2nd out of 4 qualifiers in an extremely difficult situation!
By that I mean the High Jump was on an angle & the Broad Jump was next to the ring gate that we shared with the Utility dogs. I looked at the set-up & was discouraged but said to myself “what the heck we’ll give it a try”! Fate exceeded my expectations!
This was Fate’s first trial in a multiple ring set-up. The venue was so packed we had to crate in the back room, that was after arriving at 7:30 Saturday morning.
She came very close to qualifying on Saturday only missing the “drop on recall”. It’s hard to do the drop when you’re running 50 MPH! LOL!
Betty & Fate, BN, CDX, RA, NAP

Fate made her Agility debut at the Miami trial held in Tropical Park on a miserable cold, rainy damp
day Saturday 1/26/19.
She exceeded my expectations taking 1st place in Novice Standard & ALMOST qualifying in Novice Jumper’s with one error (a handler error at that)!
Below is our picture with Judge Donna Dombourian.
Fate turned 17 months old on 1/27/19!
Nov 18, 2018: I’m proud to announce that Fate (now 14 months old) earned her Rally Novice title in 3 trials this weekend with all 1st places & scores of 99 – 100 – 99. For those of you that don’t know 100 is a perfect score. We accomplished this feat without any classes & by only doing a Rally run-thru 3 weeks ago & attending a Rally Show & Go 2 weeks ago.
Attached are her pictures with the judges & her blue ribbons as well as her title ribbon.
She’s one AMAZING little dog!
Angel earned her 1st leg in Utility on Saturday June 9th, 2018 at OTC’s trial at our clubhouse under Judge Helen Smith.
I was totally surprised when I received a certificate from the AKC stating that my little Angel had been awarded the “Achiever Dog” title after receiving titles in 4 different AKC venues. This came the day after her 8th birthday.
The certificate reads, “Winsome’s Devil In Disguise, CDX, BN, VER, RAE, MX, AXJ, MXP2, MXPB, MJP, NF, OFP, TKA owned by Betty Gansky is recognized as an Achiever Dog”.
I am very proud of this tiny dog who at less than 4 lbs has accomplished so much! She is also one of the sweetest Yorkie’s I’ve ever met as well as my outstanding companion.
Congratulations to Betty Gansky
Two more awards in 2017 for her students:
Winsome’s Devil in Disguise AKC Agility MXPB, AKC Tricks TKN-TKI-TKA
Majestic’s Taylor Made AKC Tricks TKN-TKI-TKA
Congratulations to Betty Gansky
Angel earned her MXPB (Master Bronze Agility Preferred) title at OTC’s trials in Arcadia August 13th, 2017 under judge Jill Roberts. They had a very good weekend qualifying 5 times out of 8. The temperature in the Arena was 61 degrees, enough to make anyone run!
Congratulations to Breeder Jennifer White and Owners Kelly M. Smith, Nancy Douse and Jennifer White
Ch Bricriu’s Early Edition finished March 12, 2016 with his 3 major and back to back breed wins.
Congratulations to Leslie Mary Stolfi and Carole DellaPenna for Molly’s award
2016 AKC Champion
Congratulations to Betty Gansky for her many achievements with Angel
MXP (Masters Excellent Preferred) MXP2 (Masters Excellent Preferred 2 which means she’s qualified 20 times in this class) & her MJP (Master’s Jumpers Preferred) titles in 2016.
You can see below the certificate she recently received from the AKC with all of her earned titles on it including her TDA (Trick Dog Advanced).
In case you can’t read it Angel has earned various titles in various venues:
Obedience: BN– Beginner Novice, CD– Companion Dog, CDX – Companion Dog Excellent,
VER – Versatility
Rally: RAE– Rally Dog Excellent (this means she qualified in 3 Novice trials, earned her RN then went on to Rally Advanced qualified 3 times to earn her RA, proceeded to Rally Excellent where she qualified 3 times & earned her RE to go on to compete in both the Rally Advanced/Rally Excellent classes the same day & qualify 10 times!) She qualified ALL 19 times in a row that she was shown.
Agility: MX – Masters Excellent, Masters Excellent Preferred, Masters Jumpers w/Weaves Preferred, Novice FAST, Open FAST Preferred
Tricks: TKN – Tricks Novice, TKI – Tricks Intermediate & TKA – Tricks Advanced. She qualifed & earned all three of her Tricks titles in ONE day!
Angel is an amazing little barely 4 lb little girl!